Why I'm hooked on Irish Parenting Bloggers.
Some blogs are like office buildings. They are big, multi-functional and you can find everything there: from weaning strategies to latest baby wear trend. There's loads of stuff there. All categorized and so...overwhelming. There's so much on there that it gives me a headache.
And some blogs are like homes. Pretty and personal. You don't know what you'll find there tomorrow, but you don't mind as you just love everything there. It's like visiting someone. There are kids and cookies and tea and beauty stuff lying around and laughter and tears. They are - like life.
That's how I got hooked on this amazing community. The inspirational Mama.ie and Mind The Baby, the amazing Ouch My Fanny Hurts, the funny The Airing Cupboard, the I-wish-I-looked-like-her-after-baby La Belle Mama, the touch-your-soul My Internal World, the so entertaining At The Clothesline, the yummy and you-can-do-it Bumbles Of Rice, the I-wish-I-was-more-like-them The Mamas Hip and Office Mum... and these are only the ones I got through. And there are so many more inspiring people out there. Ok... enough with the post, off to read The Baby Steps!
P.S. The picture is for pure cuteness... I was not sure if I was allowed to use the actual Irish Parenting Bloggers image..
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